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While you look at this artwork I have a pear shop, this pear shop only exists when you look at the artwork. This pear shop has some rules though, there are only four pears and it began with all the pears being uncensored. When you visit the shop you decide what flavour you want and if you taste another flavour you may censor it and leave it behind for the next person. However the next person won’t know what they’re missing out on.

This is a continuation on my previous artwork, ‘Idiot, Nigger, Genius’ yet less specific and a different take. Same idea though. I find it outrageous how sensitive the western culture is right now that I can’t say anything, ever. All my sentences must be pre-screened and deeply analysed should the rare event arise where someone decides I’ve been offensive then decides I’m prejudice and in-prisons me for the death penalty.

We are robbing our future generations of knowing our culture. Another artwork I made, ‘Negro with Parrots and Monkeys Censored’ shows an appropriation of an artwork from the 18th century, ‘Negro with Parrots and Monkeys’, censored. I looked up this artwork in detail and I originally found it in an art book purchased in the 2000’s. However the internet has changed the artworks name to “Boy with Parrots and Monkeys”… Disgusting! If the future internet decides to censor the word pear in 200 years I’d be outraged.

No artist ever made an artwork with intent for the public to change it. Censorship doesn’t belong in the art world, it should strictly stick to G rated TV shows in my opinion.

This artwork is one of my hand-stretched ones, sold with hooks ready to hang and a certificate of authenticity.

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