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I decided to create this artwork as cockatoos sometimes visit me and genuinely watch me colour in… I like to think they know they’re in some of my artworks. I tend to have a coffee when colouring in (I have a colouring in book series you should check out) so this artwork is coffee with the birds. Something I’m not doing intentionally is when I’m given instructions I tend to take the instructions as is but give it a creative twist. So if you wanted me to give you an image of coffee with birds, this is what you get.

About the material it’s printed on:

This digital artwork print uses a special technology where the ink is infused into the metal (no worries about people pulling the sticker off!) I chose a material that’s both durable and will last an exceptionally long time as well as thinking about the environmental repercussions should it ever become damaged (with a tornado). I encourage buyers to repurpose the artwork or give it to a scrap metal place should a natural disaster hit.

I personally have my own living outside in the harsh Australian climate to look at while eating breakfast and it looks as good as ever.

You also don’t need to worry about purchasing a frame as I sell them with a hanging system.

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